High Adventure Ranch Newsletter - July 2015

Happy 4th of July!!!

Summer has arrived at High Adventure Ranch and with the warm weather and recent rains in Missouri, we are constantly busy. We close from mid June to mid July each year to do necessary repairs needed prior to the Fall hunting season. During this period, we see many beautiful changes taking place on the ranch. We thought you would enjoy seeing a few pictures taken at the Ranch this summer.


The calves stay close to their mothers, while the Bull Elk grow their antlers at an amazing pace.


The Whitetail bucks grow out at a slower rate and they will be hard horned around mid September. If you have not booked your Fall hunt yet, give us a call.

July 2015 news Whitetail growing

High Adventure Ranch also offers the true trophy hunter an opportunity to take a Pure European (Russian) Wild Boar. There are only three other ranches that offer these unique packages. If you are interested in taking a once in a lifetime trophy like this one call us at 1-877-858-3481


July 2015 news RB Russian Boar